Saturday, February 15, 2020

Divinity of Self Vs Consumerism

After returning from a few short years in Sydney in 2012, this was one article written under my name Mitchell Drummond. Like all my writing, it is derived from my knowledge base (academic and empirical) and my constant thoughts during life. I never stopped thinking and observing. This gave me the base to formulate ideas and draw the necessary knowledge for my writing.

We never completely find ourselves unless we spend time with ourselves - to contemplate a better life. A life based on focussed contentment. Which is not associated with predominant pleasure-desire.

(* Word/Phrases meanings at the end of this article)

The personal divinity of consciousness (self/being) is unobtainable through active participation in consumerism, entertainment and other stimuli pertaining to pleasure-desire; derived from egoism*(1). These are symbolic of one’s need to seek pleasure-desire; to fill the disconnection void from the world, where one needs to seek belonging and contentment.

Personal consciousness*(2) is found through solitude; solitude with self, and dismissing any subjective thoughts pertaining to the outside world. Thoughts and idealism that are programmed into self from birth: parents, schooling, employment and all stimuli normal recognised as reality. Reality is within ourselves, separate to external stimuli. We observe ourselves from within, and find ourselves. This separates all external influences.

Observation of self, in solitude, is the examination of re-birth in a natural state. Self-regulating via consciousness is finding true self and separates ourselves from a subservient lifestyle we have become accustomed to.

Our organism seeks homeostasis; where we find affinity with self; resting within our own personal nirvana*(3).

Subjective thoughts exist in the mind placing excessive emphasis on one's own moods, attitudes, opinions, which have been derived from external experiences, and in turn, influence our moods, attitudes and opinions - programmed within us psychosomatically*(4).

It is only when we can disconnect from these influences - which really are ideas of life from others - that we are able to reach our divine consciousness*.

The important analogies of negative consumerism and positive personal (nirvana-ism) consciousness should ascribe to future social harmony*(5)

The article is intended as a short benign critique to evoke introspection; the fulfilment within self, in contrast to the orthodox maelstrom of materialism*(5).

How though, do we establish equilibrium for society when excessive and addictive consumerism is pernicious to personal socio-economic stability? While continuing government ideological economic doctrines are ostentatiously promoted as idealistic

...Knowledge... the knowledge and education concerning our biological and psychosomatic self. The how and why we unconsciously espouse the ethos of the present socio-economic conditions. Structured as a self-regulatory method, leading to societarian change. With this Self-knowledge society will see the mental benefits of consciousness (Being) fulfilment rather than materialistic fulfilment*(7)

If society spends less, governments are forced to change economic structures, debate the various sociological syllogisms, transcend stoic ideologies, and create a new paradigm focussed on amoral-familism and the Divinity of consciousness - leading to social metaphysical egalitarianism*(8).

Words are fascinating when one realizes they have a depth and knowledge of more understanding about life itself. One word means a series of words and develops into a world that surpasses the original word written. For this reason I use words that sometimes confuse the narrative, but in essence, if we know the word it gives the narrative more meaning. When we are able to s.t.o.p.a.n.d.t.h.i.n.k. we develop an inner perception that is more meaningful. It may be difficult initially....but the results are enlightening.

*(1) "Pertaining to pleasures derived from egoism":
The habit of valuing everything only in reference to one's personal interest; selfishness (opposed to altruism).

*(2) Personal consciousness: 
Consciousness is the quality or state of awareness, of being aware of something within oneself.  Being aware and responsive to one's inner world through the intelligence of consciousness that is our Being. It bypasses emotion. Rather it is our Divine Nature Intelligence, an energy within oneSelf.

Another way of saying this would be: 
"Our bodies seek balance with our psychological state, where we then find peace with ourselves, leading to an idyllic state within our whole Being."

*(3) Our organism seeks homeostasis; where we find affinity with self; resting within our own personal nirvana:
Homeostasis: a relatively stable equilibrium within ourselves, especially as maintained by physiological processes.
Affinity: a natural liking for and understanding of someone or something.
Nirvana: an ideal or idyllic state or place.

Another way of saying this would be: "Our bodies seek balance with our psychological state, where we then find peace with ourselves, leading to an idyllic state within our whole being".

*(4) Subjective thoughts exist in the mind. Programmed within us psychosomatically. Able to reach our divine consciousness?:
Subjective: influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions.
Psychosomatic: the interaction of mind and body.
Divine consciousness: Your inner true self untouched; inner self awareness of something more profound within oneself, like a separate spiritual identity, but still you.

Another way of saying this would be: "Personal feelings from society are programmed over a lifetime, not only in the mind/brain but also within the cellular structure of our bodies. It is only when we can disconnect from these influences can we have any hope of reaching our true self, untouched, and find the depth of our spiritual self."

*(5) The important analogies of negative consumerism. Should ascribe to future social harmony. A short benign critique to evoke introspection. In contrast to the orthodox maelstrom of materialism:
Analogies: a comparison between one thing and another..
Ascribe: regard something as being due.
Benign critique: a gently and kind analysis and assessment.
Evoke introspection: bring or recall to the conscious mind and examine
these thoughts.
Orthodox maelstrom: conforming to a tradition;  state of confused movement.

Another way of saying this would be: "The comparisons within negative consumerism and our own Divine consciousness should make us realise the Divinity of Self is better for self and social harmony. My words are a kind analysis for you to recall feelings and examine these thoughts for a better self, rather than the normal society state of confusion."

*(6) Is pernicious to personal socio-economic stability. Government ideological economic doctrines are ostentatiously promoted as idealistic rhetoric:
Pernicious: having a harmful effect.
Ideological: relating to a system of ideas and ideals.
Doctrines: a belief or set of beliefs.
Ostentatiously: characterized by pretentious or showy display, designed to impress.
Idealistic rhetoric: plans or goals that are possibly unrealistic with the use of effective or persuasive techniques.

Another way of saying this would be: "Addictive consumerism is harmful to ourselves, yet are promoted by our system of ideals, our set of beliefs. They are advertised with a showy display, and effective persuasive
techniques, designed to impress, but effectively are unrealistic purchase

*(7) We unconsciously espouse the ethos of the present socio-economic conditions:
Espouse: support a cause, belief, or way of life.
Ethos: the spirit of a culture in its attitudes and aspirations.

Another way of saying this would be: "Without thinking we unconsciously support our way of life, which includes the spirit of our culture, both. 

In other words, society does not s.t.o.p.a.n.d.t.h.i.n.k. an alternative.

(c) Mitchell Zen